Slender man – Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See

Oh be careful little eyes what you see

First of all, our prayers go out to the 12 year old girl and her family, stabbed 19 times by her “friends”.  We also want to lift up the other two girls who committed the act and their families.

“Unbelievable”.  That’s the one word description given by Court Commissioner Thomas Pieper.   224px-Map_of_Wisconsin_highlighting_Waukesha_County.svg

Yet as hard to believe that it happened, it did

The girls blamed Slender man for their actions.

Slender man is a modern-day urban legend, made up by someone in an internet forum.

320px-Slender_Man_graffittiThe descriptions of this character are vague, which helps perpetuate it into the real world.  Slender man is faceless.  He is a tall figure.  By some descriptions he has many arms.  He’s interested in children, and wants to get into their minds. By some accounts, he can teleport.

I believe he is real.

I believe he is after children.

I believe he does want to get into their minds.

I know of him by another name, satan.

We can question the sanity of their girls.  But whether they are sane or insane, it still falls upon parents to help our kids make better media choices.

No harm can come from monitoring, guiding, preventing, even blocking access to certain types of media.  And while the older they get the harder it may become, a good foundation is best laid early.

But if we just leave them to, whatever.  You can be sure, the Slender man will find them.
